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0.x Api

This is the Api documentation of Pixelorama 0.x, After Pixelorama 1.0 instead of showing documentation, this page will show you how to get it through godot documentation comments in pixelorama's source-code.


This Api gives you the essentials to develop a working extension for Pixelorama. The Api consists of many smaller Apis, each giving access to different areas of the Software;

To access this anywhere in the extension use get_node_or_null("/root/ExtensionsApi")


Keep in mind that this API is targeted towards users who are not fully familiar with Pixelorama's source code. If you need to do something more complicated and more low-level, you would need to interact directly with the source code.


Method Descriptions

int get_api_version()

Returns the version of the ExtensionsApi.


Gives Access to the general stuff.


This part of Api provides stuff like commonly used Autoloads, App's version info etc the most basic (but important) stuff.

Method Descriptions

String get_pixelorama_version()

Returns the current version of pixelorama.

ConfigFile get_config_file()

Returns the ConfigFile contains all the settings (Brushes, sizes, preferences, etc...).

"src/Autoload/" get_global()

Returns the Global autoload used by Pixelorama. Contains references to almost all UI Elements, Variables that indicate different settings etc..., In short it is the most important autoload of Pixelorama.

"src/Autoload/" get_drawing_algos()

Returns the DrawingAlgos autoload, contains different drawing algorithms used by Pixelorama.

ShaderImageEffect get_shader_image_effect()

Gives you a new ShaderImageEffect class. this class can apply shader to an image. It contains method: generate_image(img: Image, shader: Shader, params: Dictionary, size: Vector2) Whose parameters are identified as:

imgImage that the shader will be pasted to (Empty Image of size same as project).
shaderpreload of the shader.
paramsA dictionary of params used by the shader.
sizeIt is the project's size.

Node get_extensions_node()

Returns parent of the nodes listed in extension.json -> "nodes".

Canvas get_canvas()

Returns the main Canvas node, normally used to add a custom preview to the canvas.

Gives ability to add/remove items from menus in the top bar.


enum @unnamed_enums:

  • FILE = 0
  • EDIT = 1
  • SELECT = 2
  • IMAGE = 3
  • VIEW = 4
  • WINDOW = 5
  • HELP = 6

Method Descriptions

int add_menu_item(menu_type: int, item_name: String, item_metadata: Variant, item_id := -1)

Adds a menu item of title item_name to the menu_type defined by @unnamed_enums. item_metadata is usually a window node you want to appear when you click the item_name. That window node should also have a menu_item_clicked function inside its script. Index of the added item is returned (which can be used to remove menu item later on).

void remove_menu_item(menu_type: int, item_idx: int)

Removes a menu item at index item_idx from the menu_type defined by @unnamed_enums.


Gives access to common dialog related functions.

Method Descriptions

void show_error(text: String)

Shows an alert dialog with the given text. Useful for displaying messages like "Incompatible API" etc...

Node get_dialogs_parent_node()

Returns the node that is the parent of dialogs used in pixelorama.

void dialog_open(open: bool)

Tells pixelorama that some dialog is about to open or close.


Gives access to Tabs and Dockable Container related functions.

Method Descriptions

void set_tabs_visible(visible: bool)

Sets the visibility of dockable tabs.

bool get_tabs_visible()

Gets the visibility of dockable tabs.

void add_node_as_tab(node: Node)

Adds the node as a tab. Initially it's placed on the same panel as the tools tab, but can be changed through adding custom layouts.

void remove_node_from_tab(node: Node)

Removes the node from the DockableContainer.


Gives access to theme related functions.

Method Descriptions

void add_theme(theme: Theme)

Adds the theme to Edit > Preferences > Interface > Themes.

int find_theme_index(theme: Theme)

Returns index of the theme in preferences.

Theme get_theme()

Returns the current theme resource.

bool set_theme(idx: int)

Sets a theme located at a given idx in preferences. If theme set successfully then return true, else false.

void remove_theme(theme: Theme)

Remove the theme from preferences.


Gives ability to add/remove tools.

Method Descriptions

void add_tool(tool_name: String, display_name: String, shortcut: String, scene: PackedScene, extra_hint := "", extra_shortucts := [], layer_types: PoolIntArray = [])

Adds a tool to pixelorama with name tool_name (without spaces), display name display_name, tool scene scene, layers that the tool works on layer_types, extra_hint (text that appears when mouse havers tool icon), primary shortcut name shortcut and any extra shortcuts extra_shortucts.

At the moment extensions can't make their own shortcuts so you can ignore shortcut and extra_shortucts.

void remove_tool(tool_name: String)

Removes a tool with name tool_name and assign Pencil as left tool, Eraser as right tool.


Gives access to pixelorama's selection system.

Method Descriptions

void clear_selection()

Clears the selection Gizmo.

void select_all()

Select the entire region of current cel.

void select_rect(rect: Rect2, operation: int)

Selects a portion defined by rect of the current cel. operation influences it's behaviour with previous selection rects (0 for adding, 1 for subtracting, 2 for intersection).

void move_selection(destination: Vector2, with_content: bool, transform_standby: bool)

Moves a selection to destination, with content if with_content is true. If transform_standby is true then the transformation will not be applied immediatelyunless Enter is pressed.

void resize_selection(new_size: Vector2, with_content: bool, transform_standby: bool)

Resizes the selection to new_size, with content if with_content is true. If transform_standby is true then the transformation will not be applied immediately unless Enter is pressed.

void invert()

Inverts the selection gizmo.

void make_brush()

Makes a project brush out of the current selection's content.

void copy()

Copies the selection content (works in or between pixelorama instances only).

void paste(in_place: bool)

Pastes the selection content.

void delete_content()

Deletes the drawing on current cel enclosed within the selection's area.


Gives access to basic project manipulation functions.

Method Descriptions

Project new_project(frames: Array, name: String, size: Vector2, fill_color: Color)

Creates a new project (with new tab) with name name, size size, fill color fill_color and frames frames. The created project also gets returned.

frames is an Array of type Frames. Usually it can be left as [].

void switch_to(project: Project)

Switches to the tab that contains the project.

Project get_current_project()

Returns the project in focus.

Dictionary get_project_info(project: Project)

Returns a dictionary containing all the project information.

BaseCel get_current_cel()

Returns the current cel. Cel type can be checked using function get_class_name() located inside the cel. It's type can be GroupCel, PixelCel, Cel3D, or BaseCel.

BaseCel get_cel_at(project: Project, frame: int, layer: int)

Frames are counted from left to right, layers are counted from bottom to top. Frames/layers start at "0" and end at project.frames.size() - 1 and project.layers.size() - 1 respectively.

void set_pixelcel_image(image: Image, frame: int, layer: int)

Sets an image at frame and layer on the current project. Frames are counted from left to right, layers are counted from bottom to top.

void add_new_frame(after_frame: int)

Adds a new frame in the current project after frame after_frame.

void add_new_layer(above_layer: int, name: String, type: res://src/Autoload/

Adds a new Layer of type type with name name in the current project above layer above_layer (above_layer = 0 is the bottom-most layer and so on).



Gives access to adding custom exporters.


enum ExportTab:

  • IMAGE = 0

Method Descriptions

int add_export_option(format_info: Dictionary, exporter_generator: Object, tab: ExportTab, is_animated: bool)

format_info has keys: extension and description whose values are of type String e.g:

format_info = {"extension": ".gif", "description": "GIF Image"}

exporter_generator is a node with a script containing the method override_export() which takes 1 argument of type Dictionary which is automatically passed to override_export() at time of export and contains keys: processed_images, durations, export_dialog, export_paths, project

If the value of tab is not in ExportTab then the format will be added to both tabs.

Returns the index of exporter, which can be used to remove exporter later.

void remove_export_option(id: int)

Removes the exporter with id from Pixelorama.


Gives access to the basic commonly used signals.


Gives access to the basic commonly used signals. Some less common signals are not mentioned in Api but could be accessed through source directly.

Method Descriptions

void connect_project_changed(target: Object, method: String)

connects a signal to method present in target, that emits whenever you switch to some other project.

void disconnect_project_changed(target: Object, method: String)

reverse of connect_project_changed().

void connect_cel_changed(target: Object, method: String)

connects a signal to method present in target, that emits whenever you select a different cel.

void disconnect_cel_changed(target: Object, method: String)

reverse of connect_cel_changed().

void connect_tool_color_changed(target: Object, method: String)

connects a signal to method present in target, that emits whenever a tool changes color.

void disconnect_tool_color_changed(target: Object, method: String)

reverse of connect_tool_color_changed().

void connect_current_cel_texture_changed(target: Object, method: String)

connects a signal to method present in target, that emits whenever texture of the currently focused cel changes.

void disconnect_current_cel_texture_changed(target: Object, method: String)

reverse of connect_current_cel_texture_changed().